MobileFuse integration guide
This guide will instruct you step-by-step on how to set Mobilefuse live as an ad network on Unity LevelPlay.
Before you start Make sure you have correctly integratedStep 1. Complete your MobileFuse contract
Complete the MobileFuse contract, reach out to their Publisher Development team at
Step 2. Receive account access and placement IDs
After you complete step 1, you’ll be introduced to your Account Manager at MobileFuse. Your Account Manager creates your placement IDs for you and provides you with the following information:
- Login credentials for the MobileFuse reporting UI. This UI is in EST/EDT and is delayed by 2–4 hours.
- A full list of MobileFuse’s app-ads.txt lines. These can also be found here. Your app-ads.txt file must be live before you launch. When you are correctly serving this file from your developer website, inform your MobileFuse account team. See the app-ads.txt Info page to learn how to correctly serve your app-ads.txt file.
- Your direct line ID.
- Your Publisher ID and full list of Placement IDs.
Step 3. Activate Mobilefuse on the LevelPlay platform
- Log into your LevelPlay account and go to the LevelPlay side nav bar ➣ Setup ➣ SDK Networks
- Click on Manage Networks and select MobileFuse from the list of available ad networks. Enter the relevant information
- Next, select the app on which you’d like to run Unity LevelPlay’s Mediation with MobileFuse bidding.
- Select MobileFuse from the setup list of Ad Networks and click on the tool Setup button.
- Insert the relevant information for Interstitial, Rewarded and Banner settings. Then click Save.
Step 4. Add the Mobilefuse Adapter to Your Build
ironSource SDK supports both Cocoapods and Manual download mechanisms.
Download the Mobilefuse Adapter with Cocoapods
To integrate the Mobilefuse SDK with Cocoapods, enter the following line in your podfile and you’re good to go!
pod 'IronSourceMobileFuseAdapter', ''
Step 5. Advanced settings
User-level COPPA
Unity LevelPlay let’s publishers communicate MobileFuse User-level COPPA settings. This feature is enabled using ironSource SDK 8.4.0+, MobileFuse Android Adapter 4.3.0+.
Use the following syntax, to set set MobileFuse COPPA with the parameter True:
[IronSource setMetaDataWithKey:@"LevelPlay_ChildDirected" value:@"Yes"];
Use the following syntax, to set MobileFuse COPPA with the parameter False:
[IronSource setMetaDataWithKey:@"LevelPlay_ChildDirected" value:@"No"];
GDPR – Managing Consent
LevelPlay’s mediation platform supports publisher communication of a user’s consent choice to MobileFuse. This feature is enabled using ironSource SDK 8.4.0+, MobileFuse Android Adapter 4.3.0+.
Learn more here.
US Privacy compliance
LevelPlay’s mediation platform supports publishers to restrict the sale or sharing of end users personal information under U.S. state privacy laws, such as the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA). This feature is enabled using ironSource SDK 8.4.0+, MobileFuse Android Adapter 4.3.0+.
Learn more here.
You are now all set to deliver Mobilefuse within your application!