VK Ad Network Integration Guide

This guide will instruct you step-by-step on how to set VK Ad Network live as an ad network on Unity LevelPlay.

Important! In the new VK Ad Network the Account Placement ID = Slot ID parameter 

Before you start
  • The required Gradle Build Tool is 3.5.4+
  • VK Ad Network support Xcode version 15.3

Step 1. Create a VK Ad Network account

1. To create an account in VK Ad Network, go here.
2. Once your account has been verified, login to your partner account here.

Step 2. Create an application in VK Ad Network

Follow these steps to create your VK Ad Network application:

1. In your VK Ad Network account go to Apps → Add app


2.Once you set a new app, you’ll be able to retrieve your ‘Placement id’ – In order to set in Unity LevelPlay.


Step 3. Retrieve Your VK Ad Network Access key

1.In your VK Ad Network account go to Settings → General (scroll down) 


Step 4. Activate VK Ad Network in your mediation setup module

Inside the ironSource platform, access the SDK Networks setup to configure myTarget parameters into your ironSource account.

1. Once you have all the required parameters, log in to your ironSource account and go to Monetize → Setup → SDK Networks


2. Select myTarget from the table of Available Networks, add the parameters, and click on the Activate button. Then click Save.


3. Select myTarget from the list of ad networks and click Setup.


4. Enter your VK Ad Networkd app’s ‘Generated token’, then add for each adunit the ‘ID’ from Step 1 (point 2) twice. Set the status to Active and click Save. You’ll see myTarget listed as Active for Mediation on your Setup dashboard.

Step 5. Integrate the ironSource Mediation Network Adapters

Unity Integration Manager (Recommended)

Once you’ve completed SDK integration, you can download VK Ad Network Adapter, using the Unity Integration Manager.

In your Unity Development platform, go to ironSource > Integration Manager

If you already have the latest version of the adapters, the action button will be changed to “Updated”, and will be disabled.

    Android (Manual Resolve)

    To apply your changes, make sure you use the “Resolve” process. This will download all relevant artifacts, according to your choices. For detailed information see instructions here

    Android Plugin Manual Integration

    1. Download the VK Ad Network Adapter for Android:
      Download VK Ad Network adapter and SDKs (AAR) from here.
    2. Add the VK Ad Network files to your Unity project:
      Import the files into Assets/Plugins/Android/
    3. If you are using .JAR integration, instead of .AAR, make sure to update your Manifest.xml as described in MyTarget Android Documentation 

    For Proguard Users Only
    If you are using ProGuard with the MyTarget adapter, you must add the following code to your ProGuard file:

    -keep class com.my.target.** {*;}

    iOS Manual Integration

    1. Download the VK Ad Network iOS files:
      Download the adapter and SDK (Frameworks) files from here.
    2. Add the VK Ad Network adapter and SDK files to your Unity project:
      Import adapter and frameworks file into Assets/Plugins/iOS

    Step 6. Update SKAdNetworkItems for iOS

    Make sure to define VK Ad Network SKAdNetworkItems to your Info.plist, by using this code:


    You are now all set to deliver VK Ad Network ads within your application!

    What’s Next?

    To leverage additional ad networks through ironSource Mediation, integrate the adapters and follow our integration guides