December 15, 2023

Boost your interstitial ad revenue with powerful new tech

LevelPlay has revolutionized interstitial performance with powerful new tech that cuts waterfall latency in half and boosts ARPU and impressions per user.

See the results for yourself in your LevelPlay reports and by viewing the waterfall latency measure in real time pivot.

Download ironSource SDK 7.6.0+ to automatically access interstitial upgrades.

Upgrade your SDK

Increase ARPDAU with the Unity Ads bidder

The Unity Ads bidder is now available to all publishers on rewarded video, interstitial, and banner/MREC ad units. Publishers who have added Unity Ads bidder to their stack have already seen as much as a 14% increase in ARPDAU.*

You can easily add the bidder to each app in your account without switching to the Unity dashboard using the LevelPlay auto-setup tool.

Minimum requirement: ironSource SDK 7.2+

Activate the bidder

*Based on internal Unity data

Access Ad Quality through your LevelPlay integration

LevelPlay publishers can now integrate Ad Quality in just one step with ironSource SDK 7.6.0+. With the ironSource SDK automatically initializing the Ad Quality SDK, you only need to add one line of code to access Ad Quality and review the ads your users see in your apps.

Upgrade your SDK

Control your A/B traffic split

Split your A/B test traffic to roll out tests to your audience gradually. You have the flexibility to apply your test to any 5% increment.

Now open to all LevelPlay publishers.

Start an A/B test

Break your performance data by mediation group

You can now analyze the performance of your mediation groups across all ad units with the new breakdown option in your performance reports.

Data is available from November 18.

Check it out

Updates to terms and conditions

Effective February 15, 2024, the ironSource Platform Terms and Conditions will be updated to the Unity Advertising Terms of Service.

Read the Terms of Service

App growth insights success stories

Qcplay increased ad ARPDAU with the
Unity Ads bidder

Read more

Tracking ​​​bad ads with UX patterns

Watch webinar

Ok Cashbag and Syrup boosted revenue 63% with LevelPlay

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