Unity Ads moving to bidding-only on new apps on LevelPlay

To reduce manual overhead and power your apps with the most cutting-edge tech, starting on May 29, new apps you add to your LevelPlay account will support Unity Ads exclusively through in-app bidding.Here’s what you can expect:

  • Stronger performance – The Unity Ads bidder performs stronger than non-bidding instances on both iOS and Android, with LevelPlay publishers seeing an average of +4-6% ARPDAU uplift
  • Less operational overhead – You’ll save time optimizing your mediation stack and automatically get the highest price for each Unity Ads ad
  • Reduced ad latency – Bidding loads ads faster, providing a smoother user experience where ads are ready with minimum delay

This is the next step in Unity Ads’ shift to bidding-only on all apps on LevelPlay, which you can expect later this year. Unity Ads non-bidding instances will continue delivering in existing apps until then.

Add the Unity Ads bidder