Adding Ad Quality to LevelPlay integration

Ad Quality gives you control and visibility over the ads your users see. As part of the ironSource SDK 7.4.0+ and Ad Quality SDK 7.9.0+, you can enable Ad Quality through a single initialization within the ironSource SDK.

Follow the guidelines below for Android, iOS and Unity to add Ad Quality to your LevelPlay integration.

Note: If you’re not using LevelPlay and want to use Ad Quality, see the following documentation Unity/Android/iOS.

Add Ad Quality to your build


Update the dependencies section to include both ironSource SDK and Ad Quality dependencies

 dependencies {
    implementation 'com.ironsource.sdk:mediationsdk:8.2.1' 
    // ironSource Ad Quality SDK
    implementation 'com.ironsource:adqualitysdk:7.21.2'
  • Light theme
  • Dark theme
  • Copy to clipboard


Update the pod file to include both ironSource SDK and Ad Quality dependencies

pod 'IronSourceSDK',''
pod 'IronSourceAdQualitySDK','7.21.2'
  • Light theme
  • Dark theme
  • Copy to clipboard


Download the Ad Quality dependency XML and copy it to Assets/LevelPlay/Editor in your project

Set User ID (Optional)

If you’re using the Ad Quality user journey feature, make sure to set your user ID identifier using the setUserID method. Unity | Android | iOS