Integrate Ad Quality SDK
The Ad Quality SDK enables you to run Ad Quality in your app, which helps monitor and control the ad content in your apps – find an overview video here.
The SDK automatically collects all the ad events and attributes needed from the ad network SDKs you currently use. This makes the integration simple and requires minimal coding.
Step 1: Import the Ad Quality SDK to your app
1. Add the following to your app’s build.gradle file inside repositories section:
repositories {
2. Then add the following to the dependencies section:
dependencies {
// ironSource Ad Quality SDK
implementation ''
Step 2: Initialize the SDK
- Initialize the Ad Quality SDK using your ironSource app key, which can be found in the Unity LevelPlay Platform.
- Add the following code to your app’s main thread, or on the same thread as your other ad network SDKs to initialize the Ad Quality SDK:
import com.ironsource.adqualitysdk.sdk.IronSourceAdQuality;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Initialize
IronSourceAdQuality.getInstance().initialize(this, appKey);
Step 3 (optional): Advanced SDK Initialization
Customize your integration settings to get even more functionality with these special configurations:
- User ID – Use your own user IDs, instead of the default IDs from Ad Quality
- Test mode – Test your Ad Quality SDK integration (default is false)
- Log level – Choose a log level to debug code issues (default is INFO)
Use the code below to create your config object with a builder.
ISAdQualityConfig.Builder adQualityConfigBuilder = new ISAdQualityConfig.Builder();
User ID
The Ad Quality SDK provides two options for configuring your user IDs:
1.Use your own user IDs, and add them before or during initialization:
// The default user id is Ad Quality internal id.
// The user id cannot be null and must be between 2 and 100 characters, otherwise it will be blocked.
2.Change the default user IDs after initializing the Ad Quality SDK, for cases for your ID’s are set later.
// The default user id is Ad Quality internal id.
// The user id cannot be null and must be between 2 and 100 characters, otherwise it will be blocked.
Test Mode
// The default is false - set to true only to test your Ad Quality integration
Log level
// There are 5 different log levels:
// The default is INFO
ISAdQualityConfig adQualityConfig =;
IronSourceAdQuality.getInstance().initialize(this, appKey, adQualityConfig);
Step 4 (optional): Configure SDK callback events
ISAdQualityConfig.Builder builder = new ISAdQualityConfig.Builder().setAdQualityInitListener(new ISAdQualityInitListener() {
public void adQualitySdkInitSuccess() {
Log.d("AdQualityInitListener", "adQualitySdkInitSuccess");
public void adQualitySdkInitFailed(ISAdQualityInitError error, String message) {
Log.d("AdQualityInitListener", "adQualitySdkInitFailed " + error + " message: " + message);
ISAdQualityConfig adQualityConfig =;
IronSourceAdQuality.getInstance().initialize(this, appKey, adQualityConfig);
Step 5 (optional): Report impression-level ad revenue to Ad Quality SDK
Ad Quality SDK 7.2.0+ supports impression-level ad revenue report:
To report Impression-level ad revenue in the Ad Quality SDK, add the code snippet below to your SDK integration.
ISAdQualityCustomMediationRevenue.Builder builder = new ISAdQualityCustomMediationRevenue.Builder()
If you’re using AdMob mediation, follow these steps:
- Ask your AdMob account manager to enable AdMob impression-level LTV (iLTV)
- Verify that you use GMA SDK 8.12.0 or higher for Android or iOS and that the version supports iLTV
- Add the following code snippet to your Ad Quality SDK integration:
RewardedAd mRewardedAd;
public void onAdLoaded(@NonNull RewardedAd rewardedAd) {
mRewardedAd = rewardedAd;
// Set paid event listener
mRewardedAd.setOnPaidEventListener(new OnPaidEventListener() {
public void onPaidEvent(AdValue adValue) {
ISAdQualityCustomMediationRevenue.Builder builder = new ISAdQualityCustomMediationRevenue.Builder()