How to manage your ad units

Once you’ve added your app to your account, you can manage all your ad units settings from the Ad Units page.  This article will take you through how to manage each ad unit’s settings so you can start monetizing with them.

Before you start

To start monetizing with your selected ad units, you’ll need to integrate the ad unit into your code:

Select your app

  • From the dropdown menu at the top of the Ad units page, select the app you want to manage.  You’ll then see the ad units that are live, along with the following info:
    • Status – active or paused  
    • Ad unit name
    • Ad unit ID (beneath the ad unit name)
    • Ad format
    • Networks – the number of networks that the ad unit is configured for
    • Mediation groups – the number of mediation groups the ad unit ID is configured for

Manage your app’s ad units 

On the ad units page, under Networks, click on the number of networks associated with the ad unit to continue to the SDK networks page to configure the ad unit for additional ad networks other than ironSource Ads. 

Tip: Hover over the number of networks to quickly see which bidding and non-bidding networks are configured for the ad unit.

Similarly, click on the number of mediation groups to continue to the Mediation Management page and configure the ad unit’s mediation groups. 

Click on the action button at the end of an ad unit’s row to:

  • Edit the ad unit’s settings (see below)
  • Pause delivery of the ad unit 
  • Hide the ad unit from the set-up pages. Be aware that hiding the the ad unit will not stop ad delivery, and you will still see it in your reports.



Once you’ve clicked on Edit for rewarded video, you can see the current setup for the ad unit, including:

  • Ad unit name
  • Ad unit ID
  • Ad format
  • Rewarded item name 
  • Reward amount  – the fixed number of items the user receives after watching a rewarded video ad
  • Advance settings
    • Capping 
    • Pacing

Customize the ad unit name, virtual item name, reward amount, and advance settings by clicking on the relevant field and updating the settings to your preference.


Once you’ve clicked on Edit for the banner ad unit, you can see the current setup for the ad unit, including:

  • Ad unit name 
  • Ad unit ID
  • Ad format
  • Banner refresh rate 

Customize the ad unit name and banner refresh rate by clicking on the relevant field and updating the settings to your preference.


Once you’ve clicked on Edit for the interstitial ad unit, you can see the current setup for the ad unit, including:

  • Ad unit name
  • Ad unit ID
  • Ad format
  • Advance settings
    • Capping 
    • Pacing

Customize the ad unit name and advance settings by clicking on the relevant field and updating the settings to your preference.

Configure Callbacks

LevelPlay reward-based ad units support server-side events to notify you of rewards that must be granted to your users after successful ad completion events. Learn more about how to set your server-to server callbacks here.