Offerwall benchmarks

This is the latest breakdown of ironSource offerwall benchmarks by category for the US on Android. Compare these benchmarks with your app’s results to identify growth opportunities, and optimize your performance by implementing the offerwall best practices.

Offerwall benchmarks by category

US Android  |  March 2021

Category Engagement Rate eCPM Usage Rate
Mid-core 7% $980 1.5
RPG 7% $1,670 1.5
Shooter 5% $480 1.6
Strategy 8% $760 1.4
Casual 6% $300 1.4
Arcade 6% $270 1.2
Puzzle 3% $240 1.3
Simulation 10% $330 1.5
Casino 3% $380 1.5
Sports & Racing 8% $340 1.6