SDK Change Log

SDK Release Date Notes
8.1.0 2024/06/10 • Supports Android 8.1.0 and iOS 8.1.0
• Support Ad Privacy Manifest(iOS)
The ironSource SDK now auto initializes the Ad Quality SDK
• Find all deprecated APIs here.
7.5.1 2023/09/21 • Supports Android 7.5.1 and iOS 7.5.0
Test suite support
Support price limitations using SetWaterfallConfiguration API (beta)
• Find all deprecated APIs here. 2023/02/08 • Supports Android 7.2.5 and iOS
• Add protection when the context is missing for rewarded video ads
• Improve security in the Android Ad Player modules
• Performance improvements for nonbidding flows
• Fix open source category collisions with UnityAds iOS SDK 4.1.0+ 2022/09/23 • Supports Android and iOS
• Support Google Play’s updated Families Policy requirements (Android)
7.0.3 2020/11/17 • Supports Android 7.0.3 and iOS 7.0.3
• iOS 14 Support
ARM support (new listeners + callbacks) 
Remove setAge and setGender from the ironSource main class (not segments) 
• Banner bidding support
• SetMetaData -multiple instances
• Remove RIS 
6.17.0 2020/07/16 • Supports Android 6.17.0 and iOS 6.17.0
• Banner Boost! Enhance the architecture for banner support on ironSource mediation, to include UnityAds and Vungle
Important! This SDK version requires you to update all your network adapters to the latest version (or any version compatible with SDK Version 6.17.0). This will ensure your configuration in up-to-date. In addition, Tapjoy and Chartboost are no longer supported for AdobeAir platform. Please make sure to remove these adapters, prior to upgrading to this version.
6.14.0 2020/03/12 • Supports Android and iOS 6.14.0
• CCPA Support
6.10.2 2019/12/09 • Supports Android 6.10.2 and iOS 6.10.0
6.9.1 2019/10/03 • Supports Android 6.9.1 and iOS
6.8.0 2019/02/11 • Supports Android and iOS 6.8.0
 Plenty enhancements for banner mediation including: Supporting all standard banner sizes, supporting custom banner size and events’ mechanism significant improvements.
• ironSource Banners Support
• Several bugs fixes related to banners, interstitials, connectivity and memory leak issues
• Rewarded Video logic enhancements
• Interstitial timeout bug fix
6.7.10 2018/08/29 • GDPR Consent API integration
• Facebook Audience Network adapter was added
• Placement cap issue fix
6.7.7 2018/02/28 • Adjust Banner mediation core logic – banner refresh rate is now enforced by the mediation layer (Developers should turn off refresh rate at the networks dashboard)
6.7.3 2017/11/16 • User Segments: tailor how you serve ads to suit a specific audience and understand how certain groups of users engage with different ad settings
• Added event and callback that reports when end user clicks on the Rewarded Video ad
• Instituted the ability to initialize different ad units (Rewarded Video, Interstitial, Offerwall) in one session at different touchpoints in the app flow
• Server-to-server custom parameters for Rewarded Video