Rewarded Video Manual Integration for Adobe Air

In addition to loading ironSource rewarded video ads automatically, you can also set rewarded video ads to load manually. To do this, you must set the entire session loading mode prior to SDK initialization. This is supported from ironSource SDK 7.2.0+.  (Beta 7.1.13 Android).

Step 1: Set up rewarded video manual loading

Set the operation mode for rewarded video ads before you initialize the ironSource SDK. This will affect your current session.


Step 2: Manually load rewarded video ads

Request a rewarded video ad d before you plan on showing it to your users as the loading process can take time. Use the following API to load your ad:


Step 3. Implement the Rewarded Video Manual Events

The ironSource Adobe Air plugin fires events to inform you of ad availability. These events will be triggered only upon manual rewarded video implementation. 

Add the following code to register to the events, in addition to the Rewarded Video events.

IronSource.instance.addEventListener("levelPlayManualRewardedVideoAdReady", levelPlayManualRewardedVideoAdReady);
IronSource.instance.addEventListener("levelPlayManualRewardedVideoAdLoadFailed", levelPlayManualRewardedVideoAdLoadFailed);

The Plugin will notify the Listener of all possible events listed below:

private function levelPlayManualRewardedVideoAdReady(event:Event):void {
   //level Play Manual Rewarded Video Ad Ready
private function levelPlayManualRewardedVideoAdLoadFailed(event:Event):void {
   //level Play Manual Rewarded Video Ad Load Failed


After defining your operation loading mode to Manual, you can complete your Rewarded Video integration, as described here.