Mediation Networks for Flutter

LevelPlay supports interstitial, banner/MREC, and video ads from the leading ad networks, equipped with smart loading, ad placement technology, and ad delivery optimization. ironSource’s mediation solution enhances user experience, offers better control over ad performance, and significantly increases revenue.

Before you start Make sure you have correctly integrated ironSource’s Rewarded Video, Interstitial, Offerwall, or Banner Mediation into your application.

Integrate the LevelPlay network adapters


For Android, add network adapter and SDK dependencies to android/app/build.gradle.
You can find the dependencies and compatibilities under Android Mediation Networks.

Some networks require additional configurations. Therefore, make sure you are adding the necessary settings by following the Mediation Network Guides for Android.


For iOS, add network adapter pods to ios/Podfile and run pod install from the ios directory to verify all pods are compatible. Pod definitions can be generated at the iOS Mediation Networks page.
In addition, some networks require additional configurations. Follow the Mediation Network Guides for iOS to properly set up each network.

SKAdNetwork IDs
Each network has a set of SKAN IDs you need to add to ios/Runner/info.plist. You can find the list of IDs at SKAdNetwork IDs Manager.