SDK Change Log

SDK Release Date Notes
2.0.0 2024/05/28 • Wraps Android 8.1.0 SDK and iOS 8.1.0 SDK
Native Ads support
• Find all deprecated and removed APIs here.
1.3.0 2024/03/27 • Wraps Android 7.9.0 SDK and iOS 7.9.1 SDK
• Support Ad Privacy Manifest(iOS)
Improving the banner adaptive support of Google Ad Manager and AdMob through the introduction of a new API
• Support price limitations using SetWaterfallConfiguration API (beta)
Fix potential crashes
1.2.0 2023/06/11 • Wraps Android SDK and iOS 7.3.0 SDK
• Add support for AdInfo APIs
Test suite support
• Bug fix support FlutterFragementActivity in addition to FlutterActivity
• Bug fix related to third party plugin integration issues
Find all deprecated and removed APIs here.
1.1.0 2022/09/20 • Wraps Android SDK and iOS SDK
•  Support Flutter SDK 3.0.0
1.0.0 2022/05/03 • Wraps Android SDK and iOS SDK