SDK Change Log

SDK Release Date Notes
8.2.1 2024/07/18 • Bug fix related to loading MREC when using LevelPlay Banner API (with Ad Unit)
8.2.0 2024/07/11 Fixed an exception in the CrashReporter when attempting to get the application context.
Fixed potential wrong log values related to TCF consent configuration
Added adaptive banner support for Levelplay Banner API (with Ad Unit ID)
8.1.0 2024/05/21 Introduce new APIs for LevelPlay initialization and banner ads supporting Ad Unit (Alpha)
Introduce new APIs for ironSource Ads bidding
Resolved WebView vulnerability warning message related to the Test Suite
8.0.0 2024/04/08 Improve banner refresh mechanism (beta)
The minimum supported Android OS version is now 4.4 (API level 19)
• The minimum compatible AdQuality SDK version is 7.19.0
The minimum compatible HyperMX adapter version is now 4.3.8
Fix potential crashes
Find all deprecated and removed APIs here.
7.9.0 2024/03/10 Added crash protection while destroying banners (raised in 7.8.0+)
Resolve potential crashes
7.8.1 2024/02/22 Fix bug related to display ironSource ads when using adaptive banners
7.8.0 2024/02/19 Improving the banner adaptive support of Google Ad Manager and AdMob through the introduction of a new API
Improve consent visibility for publishers using Google CMP (Consent management platform)
Bug fix related to complete callback reporting
Improve bidding data readiness for ironSource Ads under external mediations
7.7.0 2024/01/03 • Support for Google CMP (Consent management platform)
7.6.1 2023/12/14 Fixed potential obfuscation collision
Bug fix for interstitial and rewarded video under external mediations
7.6.0 2023/11/30 Optimized loading for interstitial ads.
The ironSource SDK now auto initializes the Ad Quality SDK
Minimum Kotlin version 1.7.0
Support Android API level 33
Resolved missing Ad Info content on Load Success Callbacks
Resolve hidden X button on ironSource Full Screen Ads
Add crash protections
7.5.2 2023/10/19 Bug fix related to APS integration (Banners, Interstitial and Rewarded Video)
Bug fix for using interstitial under external mediations
Bug fix related to banner integration under external mediations
7.5.1 2023/09/07 Bug fix related to the Ad Quality single init activation
Fix potential crash when banner is destroyed for the ironSource network
Test suite bug fix
7.5.0 2023/08/28 • Interstitial ad upgrades that improve loading and reduce latency
Add protection to avoid crashes related to miss configuration issues in Ad Quality
Changes in the LURL notifications error code Ids sent to bidding networks 
7.4.0 2023/08/02 Support ironSource network Native ads for Android (Alpha)
Ad Quality SDK activation via ironSource SDK using single init (beta), Learn more
• New SetMetaData API to allow opt-in Families Self-Certified Ads SDK 2023/06/29 • Fix banner not clickable bug (experienced on 7.3.1)
• Fix bug related to custom adapter integration (experienced on 7.3.1)

7.3.1 2023/06/08 Native ads support (Alpha)
Support for an init SDK API with application context parameter (beta)
• Support price limitations using SetWaterfallConfiguration API (beta)
• Improve ad availability and the ad experience when monetizing with ironSource Ads through third party mediations

• SDK optimization and latency improvement 2023/03/23 • Fix build problems, for Kotlin-based apps (raised in 7.3.0)
7.3.0 2023/03/16 • Test suite (beta) support. Learn more
• Custom adapter support for banners
• Add APS to the integration helper
• Add crash protections and bug fixes
• Adapters Compatibility Breakage
Minimum Kotlin version 1.5.0
• Find all deprecated and removed APIs here.
Important! This SDK version requires you to update all your network adapters to the latest version
7.2.7 2023/01/19 • Add the ability to support async token for mediated networks
7.2.6 2022/12/08 Bug fix for banner ads, prevent banner refresh when app in background
7.2.5 2022/10/20 • Performance improvements for non bidding flows 2022/08/24 Improve security in the Android Ad Player modules
7.2.4 2022/08/08 • Support Banners in external mediations
• Add protection when the context is missing for rewarded video ads
• Remove Snap network from LevelPlay, following Snap Audience network sunset 2022/07/05 • Add support for new LevelPlay listeners for rewarded video, interstitial, and banner ads. These new listeners include AdInfo object that allows receiving data as part of the callback, including network, segment, and A/B indication
• Support new banner load success callback, that are sent when banners refresh
Read more about the new Listeners here.
7.2.3 2022/06/30 • Add support for new LevelPlay listeners for rewarded video, interstitial, and banner ads. These new listeners include AdInfo object that allow to receive data as part of the callback, including network, segment, and A/B indication (beta)
• Support new banner load success callback, that are sent when banners refresh (Beta)
• Fix Android Manifest.XML build, issue raised as part of ironSource SDK 7.2.2
• Resolve potential crashes due to NullReferenceException events for Amazon devices
• Reduce ANRs 2022/06/02 • Bug fix related to display of non-bidding ads, when bidding server is not available, experienced on SDK 7.2.2 
7.2.2 2022/05/25 • Allow to remove RV Manual Listener, before initializing the ironSource SDK
• Bug fixes to reduce ANR rates
• Crash protections 2022/03/21 • Offerwall bug fix
• Add protections to reduce ANR rates
7.2.1 2022/03/06 • Init Success callback for ironSource SDK
Support Google Play’s updated Families Policy requirements
• Improve SMART banner logic recognizing small tablets
Bug fixes to reduce ANR rates
7.2.0 2022/02/14 •  Custom Adapters Support for Rewarded Video
•  Rewarded Video manual loading
•  Dynamic segmentation support
7.1.14 2022/01/06 • Adaptive banner support
• Ad unit capping and pacing support 2021/12/28 • Introducing new API setNetworkData (beta)
7.1.13 2021/12/16 Supports Open Measurement for Banners
• Add crash protections and bug fixes 2021/11/24 • Resolve potential memory leaks 2021/11/03 • Bug fix related to custom adapters, experienced on Android SDK 7.1.12
7.1.12 2021/10/28 • ironSource network support Rectangle/MREC banner size
• Performance enhancements 2021/10/13 • Fix potential bug on interstitials
7.1.11 2021/09/26 • Performance enhancements 2021/09/20 • Fix banner impression reporting for 3rd party mediations
7.1.10 2021/09/01 • Bidding tech improvements
Important! This SDK version requires you to update all your network adapters to the latest version
7.1.9 2021/08/24 • Performance improvements and bug fixes
7.1.8 2021/08/04 • Fix RV ad availability reporting logic:
Availability false will be reported once ad is opened, and availability true will be reported upon ad close, to indicate that a new ad is ready
• Fix banner re-loading mechanism when app is in on background
• Improving the accuracy of banner impression reporting
• Bug and crash fixes
7.1.7 2021/07/07 • New ironSource SDK data security features
• Reduce ironSource SDK size footprint
• Improve user experience for ironSource banners
• Update Kotlin supported version to 1.4.32 2021/06/28 • Performance improvements for ironSource network
7.1.6 2021/05/26 • Performance improvements and bug fixes
• This version is released using GitHub 2021/04/18 • Performance enhancements for ironSource Network
7.1.5 2021/04/07 WebView crash fix
Improve banner logs and no fill indications 2021/03/25 • Fix a decrease in ironSource banner fill rate (experienced on 7.1.3,  7.1.4)
7.1.4 2021/03/22 Fix memory leaks for Android SDK (Banner and RV)
Fix bug in Offerwall
• Banner performance improvements 
7.1.3 2021/03/17 • Performance improvements
7.1.2 2021/03/10 • Banner bidding support
7.1.1 2021/02/24 Supports Open Measurement SDK  v1.3
• Init API changes for 3rd parties mediations 2021/01/25 • Crash fix for  ironSource banners (ISNAdView) 2021/01/19 • Crash fix related to banner events (raised on 7.1.0)
7.1.0 2021/01/18 • Set COPPA flag via API
• New API for ARM Postbacks, allow multiple services to register to the listeners
• Deprecate ARM listener setImpressionDataListener
• Bug fixes, ANR fixes and performance improvements 2020/12/07 • Fix bug in init process using 3rd party mediations
• Fix bug in event mechanism reported by specific devices
7.0.4 2020/12/03 • Ad Kotlin support (version 1.3.72)
• Crash protections 2020/10/22 • ANR fix, related to Browser User Agent
• Bug fix, resolves ironSource ShowFail increase (raised on 7.0.2)
7.0.3 2020/10/14 • Support LevelPlay Ad Revenue Measurements SDK API (ARM)
7.0.2 2020/09/30 • Fix crash in init process using 3rd party mediations
• Deprecate setAge and setGender APIs. For reporting UnderAge, please use setMetaData functionality as described in the AdMob and Applovin integration guides
• Banner Bidding support 2020/09/02 • Adjustments in core modules
7.0.1 2020/09/01 • ANR fix related to IronSourceSharedPrefHelper
7.0.0 2020/08/13 • Remove default User ID logic from supported networks 
6.18.0 2020/07/29 • Add support for Target SDK Version 30
• Improve bidding performances of ironSource network 

Improve security in Android core modules
• Bug fix related to upper /lower case changes in Turkish locale
6.17.0 2020/06/10 • Rewarded Video caching improvements for bidding flow
• ANR fix when using ironSource setConsent in 3rd party mediations
• From this version on, all Android adapters will be released as AAR, and will not bundle the network SDKs
Important! This SDK version requires you to update all your network adapters to the latest version (or any version compatible with SDK Version 6.17.0). This will ensure your configuration in up-to-date 
6.16.2 2020/06/01 • Bug fix in cross promotion for bidding instances
6.16.1 2020/04/30 • Rewarded Video caching improvements for bidding flow
• Fix VPN problems 
• Fixed Track Network State behaviour when connectivity changes
6.16.0 2020/04/07 • Caching improvements 
• Improved internet connection tracking 
• Improved fill rate accuracy 
• ANR fix when using ironSource in 3rd party mediations
• Fixed crash when banner is destroyed after load
Note! From this version on, ironSource Android SDK will be released as AAR and not as JAR 2020/03/12 • Bug fix: Resolved potential deadlock
• Integration helper fix
6.15.0 2020/03/03 • LevelPlay Improvements:
      • Enabled bidding technology for brand buyers
      • Improves auction request logic to reduce latency
Banner Boost! Enhance the architecture for banner support on ironSource mediation. This will be followed by adding new networks supporting banners.
• Improved On-Pause functionality of ironSource network 
• Fix RV crashes 2020/02/18 • Crash fixes
6.14.0 2020/02/05 • Add ‘Do Not Sell’ support for ironSource mediation and network 
• Enhanced crash protections 2020/01/13 • Bug fix in event mechanism which caused a drop in app fill rate reporting. 
• Crash fixes 
6.13.0 2020/01/07 • Support Open Measurement SDK
6.12.0 2019/12/29 • Performance enhancements
6.11.1 2019/12/11 • Crash fixes
6.11.0 2019/12/01 • Improve LevelPlay notification mechanism
• Minor bug fixes
6.10.2 2019/11/7 • ironSource network In-App Bidding improvements
• Banner mediation bug fix which may cause crashes
6.10.1 2019/09/25 • Rewarded Video mechanism improvements
6.10.0 2019/09/13 • Rewarded Video in-app bidding for ironSource network
• In-app bidding mediation improvements
• Fixed bugs that originated in no-connectivity scenarios
• ironSource network Interstitial in-app biding improvements 2019/08/07 Not an SDK Update
• support-v4 library is no longer required for the integration
6.9.1 2019/08/01 • Rewarded Video Bidding mediation – bug fixes
• Rewarded Video ironSource network – Fixed a bug which may cause black screen ad in case of back-to-back video rendering
• Cleanup of deprecated dormant location logic
6.9.0 2019/07/14 • Interstitial in-app bidding for ironSource network
In-app bidding mediation improvements
• Redundant WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission removal
6.8.5 2019/06/18 • Rewarded Video – In-app bidding improvements
• Rewarded Video – Networks’ availability checks and responses are now counted upon action rather upon impression.
• Offerwall – events firing bug fix
6.8.4 2019/05/09 • Improved Rewarded Video logic for ironSource network within third-party party mediation
6.8.3 2019/04/08 • In-app bidding improvements
• ironSource network improvements
• no internet connectivity application goes to background scenarios optimizations with the SDK performance
• Various bug fixes
6.8.2 2019/02/21 • Interstitial – In-app bidding improvements
6.8.1 2019/01/10 Rewarded Video – Automatic Rewarded Video mechanism optimized and is more adapted to work with longer session times as well as recovering from no-fill scenarios.
• Bug fixes and improvements
     • shouldTrackNetworkState flag disables bug fix.
     • Bug fix under certain scenarios where mediation did not request banners by the desired order.
• Offerwall – callback implementation improvement. 2018/12/03 • Support in ironSource network banners
• Crash fixed
6.8.0 2018/11/21 • IronSource.onResume & IronSource.onPause logs added
• Rewarded Video logic enhancements
• Integration Helper reporting additions
• Memory leak fix
• Banners crash issue fix
6.7.12 2018/10/10 • Plenty enhancements for banner mediation including: Supporting all standard banner sizes, supporting custom banner size and events’ mechanism significant improvements. (SDK is not backward compatible, in case using banner, make sure to update the relevant adapters to the latest version available)
6.7.11 2018/09/05 • Fixed minor bugs related to RV and interstitial load & show fail
6.7.10 2018/07/16 • Plenty enhancements for banner mediation including: Events accuracy, Keep banner refresh in case refresh fails. (Adapters aren’t backward compatible, in case using banner, make sure to update the relevant adapters to the latest version available)
• Crush fix on Redmi note 5 devices 2018/06/13 • Minor bug fixes for ironSource network related to orientation
2018/05/10 • Update targetSdkVersion to 26
• Add consent API
• Adjust analytics events to flushed upon impression
6.7.8 2018/03/29 • Add multiple instances support for banners
6.7.7 2018/02/28 • Adjust Banner mediation core logic – banner refresh rate is now enforced by the mediation layer (Developers should turn off refresh rate at the networks dashboard)
6.7.6 2018/02/15 • Integration Helper improvements
6.7.5 2018/01/16 • Interstitial fill rate enhancements
6.7.4 2018/01/07 • Adding support for Interstitial multiple instances
• Fixed missing Offerwall show fail callback when there’s no network