Liftoff Monetize integration guide

This guide will instruct you step-by-step on how to set Liftoff Monetize (formerly Vungle) live as an ad network on Unity LevelPlay. To use Liftoff Monetize, you need to install the Vungle SDK.

Before you start Make sure you have correctly integrated ironSource’s Rewarded Video, Interstitial or Banner into your application. The Vungle iOS SDK v.6.8.0+ (Vungle adapter 4.3.7+) supports Xcode 12 or higher. Building on Xcode 11 or below is not supported.

Step 1. Create a Liftoff Monetize Account

  1. Create an account with Liftoff Monetize. You can do so here
  2. Once your account has been verified, you can log in at their partner login here

Step 2. Create an Application in Liftoff Monetize

Once you log in, go to the Applications tab on the left side menu drop-down in the upper-left corner and click Add Application:

Step 3.  Add a Placement

Click on the relevant app from the application list and on the app’s dedicated page, click ‘Add Placement‘:

Then input the necessary details to create a Liftoff placement and click Continue, then the Sounds Good button:

Banner Placement
When creating Banner ad placement, it’s recommended to disable the “Ad Refresh” option. You can later control the refresh rate on Unity LevelPlay.

Step 4. Activate Liftoff Monetize on LevelPlay SDK Networks Module

There are 4 pieces of data from your Liftoff account that need to be inserted into your LevelPlay Network Setup Module in order for Liftoff to work correctly in connection with LevelPlay:

Liftoff App ID This is the unique identifier of your application in Liftoff’s system.
Reporting API ID This is a unique identifier for your app in Liftoff”s system, used with the Reporting API to track app performance.
Reporting API Key This is a unique identifier for your Liftoff account. Along with the Reporting API ID, this will allow Unity LevelPlay to import performance data from your Liftoff Monetize account.
Placement Reference ID This is the unique identifier of the ad unit, necessary to differentiate Rewarded Video from Interstitial ads and Banner ads.

Once you obtain this information, you must configure Liftoff’s parameters in Unity LevelPlay. By adding the above information correctly, you will be able to take full advantage of Liftoff’s ad inventory and reporting data on Unity LevelPlay.

  1. Reporting API Key

    Go to the My Account in the upper-right corner of the screen you will then see the Reporting API Key:

  2. Liftoff Monetize Application ID

    Go to the Applications tab on the left side menu and click on the application you would like to configure on LevelPlay dashboard. You will then see Liftoff App ID:

  3. Reporting API ID

    Go to the Applications tab on the left side menu and click on the application you would like to configure on LevelPlay dashboard. You will then see Liftoff Reporting API ID:

  4. Placement Reference ID

    Go to the Placements tab on the left side menu and choose the application’s placements you would like to configure on LevelPlay dashboard:

Activate Liftoff Monetize on Unity LevelPlay

Once you’ve collected all necessary parameters, log in to your LevelPlay account.

  • Go to ‘Monetize‘ ➣ ‘Setup‘ ➣ ‘SDK Networks‘:
  • Select Liftoff from the list of Available Ad Networks and enter the Liftoff ‘Reporting API Key‘. This step will be required only once:

  • Click ‘Save‘.  Liftoff will then be enabled in the Available Networks table:
  • Click on the Liftoff’s Setup button and enter the ‘App ID‘, ‘Reporting API ID‘ and the
    under the relevant Ad Unit Settings:

  • You will then see Liftoff Monetize as Active for Mediation on your Setup Dashboard.
  • Verify your integration with the Reporting API; this column will check your integration through the Reporting API and return three possible responses: Verified, Failed, and No Response. Double-check your integration and the information you entered above; then click ‘Retry‘ until you see ‘Verified’.

Step 5. Add the Vungle Adapter to Your Build

Note: To use Liftoff Monetize, you need to install the Vungle SDK here.

Unity Network Manager  (Recommended)

Once you’ve completed SDK integration, you can download Vungle Adapter, using the Unity Network Manager.

In your Unity Development platform, go to Ads Mediation > Network Manager.

If you already have the latest version of the adapters, the action button will be changed to “Updated”, and will be disabled.

Android (Manual Resolve)

To apply your changes, make sure you use the “Resolve” process. This will download all relevant artifacts, according to your choices. For detailed information see instructions here

For Proguard Users Only (Android)

If you are using ProGuard with the Vungle adapter, you must add the following code to your ProGuard file:

# Vungle
-keep class com.vungle.warren.** { *; }
-dontwarn com.vungle.warren.error.VungleError$ErrorCode
# Moat SDK
-keep class com.moat.** { *; }
-dontwarn com.moat.**
# Okio
-dontwarn org.codehaus.mojo.animal_sniffer.IgnoreJRERequirement
# Retrofit
-dontwarn okio.**
-dontwarn retrofit2.Platform$Java8
# Gson
-keepattributes Signature
-keepattributes *Annotation*
-dontwarn sun.misc.**
-keep class** { *; }
-keep class * implements
-keep class * implements
-keep class * implements
# Google Android Advertising ID
-keep class** { *; }

Android Plugin Manual Integration

  1. Download the Vungle android adapter:

    Download adapter and SDK (AAR) from here.

  2. Add the Vungle files to your project:

    Import the files into Assets/Plugins/Android/.

  3. Download Vungle 3rd party jars:

    Download files from here.
    Add the jars to your project under Assets/Plugins/Android/libs.

iOS Plugin Manual Integration

  1. Download the Vungle iOS adapter:
    Download the adapter and SDK (XCFrameworks) files from here.
  2. Add the Vungle adapter file to your Unity project:
    Import adapter and frameworks file into Assets/Plugins/iOS
  3. Add the SDK to your Xcode project:
    As Unity3D do not support XCFrameworks, please ad the SDK XCFrameworks directly to your Xcode project.

Evaluate Your Ad Network Integration

  • Verify your ad network integration with our Integration Helper. The ironSource SDK provides a tool to ensure you’ve successfully integrated our SDK as well as any additional network adapters.
  • Manage the debug logs for your integrated mediation ad networks with this boolean

    When set to TRUE, this line of code will enable debug logs to help you troubleshoot issues with all of the mediation ad networks that permit to do so.  Remove this code before your app goes live with our ad units! Supported for SDK versions 6.5.2 and up.

Step 6. Liftoff Additional Settings

COPPA User status

Unity LevelPlay lets publishers communicate Vungle COPPA settings directly to the Liftoff network.
This feature is enabled for Android apps using ironSource SDK 7.1.12+, Vungle Android Unity 4.3.24+, and for iOS apps using ironSource SDK 7.2.1+, Vungle Android Unity 4.3.27+. Read more about Vungle COPPA API here.

Use the following syntax, to update Vungle’s COPPA User Status with the parameter “True”:


Use the following syntax, to update Vungle’s COPPA User Status with the parameter “False”:


You are now all set to deliver Liftoff Monetize Ads within your application!

What’s Next?

To leverage additional ad networks through Unity LevelPlay, integrate the adapters and follow our integration guides