Unity Ad Quality Plugin

Ad Quality helps you monitor and control the ad content your users see, so you can ensure it aligns with your app’s goals and enhances user experience. Maximize your revenue potential while serving relevant ads that engage your audience.

Note: In order to use Ad Quality you must have a LevelPlay account with at least one app configured. Follow this step-by-step guide to get started. 

If you’re already using LevelPlay mediation, please follow this guide instead.

Step 1: Import the Ad Quality Plugin

  1. Download the Ad Quality Unity Plugin
  2. Make sure your Unity project is opened
  3. Double-click on the extracted file and import it into your Unity project. 

Important! For an Android integration, make sure you use the “Resolve” process after importing the Ad Quality plugin. 

Go to: Assets → External Dependency Manager → Android Resolver → Resolve

Step 2: Initialize the SDK

Initialize the Ad Quality using the app key which can be found in your LevelPlay account.

Add the following code to the Awake method of your first scene:

void Awake ()
   // Initialize
  • Light theme
  • Dark theme
  • Copy to clipboard


Once your app reaches our ad threshold, you’ll be able to observe the data on the LevelPlay platform.

[Optional] Step 3: Set your user ID

Passing your user IDs to Ad Quality will give you greater visibility on your users’ ad journey.

Follow the integration guide in the additional configuration section.