Android SDK Integration

Before you start We support Android Operating Systems Version 4.4 (API level 19) and up.

The minimum supported Kotlin version is 1.7.0.

The download, use and access to the SDK is subject to the ironSource Platform Online Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to the terms of ironSource Mobile SDK Publisher Online Terms & Conditions, do not download, access, or use the SDK, or the underlying services.

Step 1. Add the ironSource SDK to Your Project

ironSource SDK supports both Gradle dependencies and manual download mechanisms to integrate our SDK:


  1. Add the following to your app’s build.gradle file inside repositories section:
    repositories {

  2. Then add the following to the dependencies section:
    dependencies {
        implementation '' 
        implementation ''

    To opt out Ad Quality from your project, remove the Ad Quality SDK dependency from the dependencies section.

      Gradle version 7+

      If you’re using Gradle version 7+, update your repository section on your settings.gradle file, instead of build.gradle. Please note the repository section should be included as part of the dependencyResolutionManagement section:

      repositories {

      Manual Download

      1. Download Android SDK Version 8.7.0
      2. Download Ad Quality SDK
      3. Import the .AAR file as a library project.
      4. If using Android Studio, download the ironSource .AAR file and add as a dependency to your own module.
      5. Go to FileNewNew ModuleImport .AAR and navigate to the location where the ironSource .AAR file has been downloaded.
      6. Note: ironSource Manifest Activities are included in the AAR.
      7. Make sure you add the following to your build.gradle file under the dependencies section:
        implementation(name: 'mediation-sdk-8.7.0', ext:'aar')
        implementation(name: 'adquality-sdk-7.23.0', ext:'aar')

    1. As of ironSource SDK 7.0.4+ you are required to add the Kotlin JARs to your project. You can read more about Kotlin support here.
    2. Optional: Manual JAR Integration

      If you are using mediation-sdk-xxx.jar and adquality-sdk-xxx.jar in your project, you can still use the same configuration.  

      1. Rename the new mediation-sdk-xxx.aar to 
      2. Rename the new adquality-sdk-xxx.jar to 
      3. Extract the classes.jar
      4. Rename it to mediation-sdk-xxx.jar and adquality-sdk-xxx.jar
      5. Update AndroidManifest.xml

      Update AndroidManifest.xml for Manual JAR Integration 

      To update your AndroidManifest.xml, please complete the following steps:

        1. Manifest Permissions
          Add the following permissions to your AndroidManifest.xml file inside the manifest tag but outside the <application> tag:
          <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
          <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
        2. Manifest Activities and Provider
          Add this section inside the <application> tag in your AndroidManifest:
                      android:hardwareAccelerated="true" />
                      android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent" />
                      android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent" />
                      android:theme="@android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar" />
                      android:authorities="${applicationId}.IronsourceLifecycleProvider" />

      Demo Application

      The Integration Demo application demonstrates how to integrate the LevelPlay Mediation in your app.
      Download Android Demo Application

      Step 2. Google identifier permissions

      1. Add the Play Services dependencies into the dependencies block, to allow GAID and APP Set ID information to be retrieved.
        dependencies { 
            implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar']) 
            implementation '' 
            implementation '' 
            implementation '' 
        Learn more about Google’s app set id

      2. Apps updating their target API level to 33 (Android 13) will need to declare a Google Play services normal permission in the manifest file as follows:
        <uses-permission android:name=""/>

        Read more about Google Advertising ID changes here.

      Amazon devices do not utilize Google Play Services. If you are building for the Amazon platform, skip the above step.

      Step 3. Override Your Activity Lifecycle Methods

      Application Lifecycle
      Override the onPause(), onResume() methods in each of your activities to call the corresponding ironSource methods as follows:

      protected void onResume() {
      protected void onPause() {

      Step 4. Set the Listeners

      • For Rewarded Video

      Rewarded Video ad unit uses the Legacy ironSource SDK. To receive events which inform you of your ad unit activity, register to the listener of the Rewarded Video ad unit you set up on the LevelPlay platform.

      Make sure you set the rewarded video listener before initializing the SDK, to avoid any loss of information.

      • For Interstitial and Banner

      Interstitial and Banner ad units use the LevelPlay Multiple Ad Unit SDK. Please check their integration guides for ad listener implementations.

      Step 5. Initialize the SDK

      To initialize the ironSource SDK, follow these steps:

      1. Implement callbacks for initialization success and failure.
      2. Define the list of ad formats that require support from legacy ironSource API. This should include REWARDED. 
      3. Call the LevelPlay init API using the appKey, ad formats, and user ID if relevant.
      User ID

      Add the user ID as part of the initialization API if you’re using server-to-server callbacks to reward your users, or using Ad Quality user journey

      // Init the SDK when implementing the Multiple Ad Units Interstitial and Banner APIs, and Rewarded using legacy APIs 
      List<LevelPlay.AdFormat> legacyAdFormats = Arrays.asList(LevelPlay.AdFormat.REWARDED);
      LevelPlayInitRequest initRequest = new LevelPlayInitRequest.Builder(appKey)
      LevelPlayInitListener initListener = new LevelPlayInitListener() {
          public void onInitFailed(@NonNull LevelPlayInitError error) {
               //Recommended to initialize again 
          public void onInitSuccess(LevelPlayConfiguration configuration) {
              //Create ad objects and load ads 
      LevelPlay.init(context, initRequest, initListener);
      // Init the SDK when implementing the Multiple Ad Units Interstitial and Banner APIs, and Rewarded using legacy APIs 
      val legacyAdFormats = listOf(LevelPlay.AdFormat.INTERSTITIAL,LevelPlay.AdFormat.REWARDED)
      val initRequest = LevelPlayInitRequest.Builder("AppKey")
      LevelPlay.init(context, initRequest, object: LevelPlayInitListener {
          override fun onInitFailed(error: LevelPlayInitError) {
              //Recommended to initialize again
          override fun onInitSuccess(configuration: LevelPlayConfiguration) {
              //Create ad objects and load ads

      LevelPlay Init Listeners

      OnInitSuccess – triggered when the initialization is completed successfully. After you receive this indication, you can create and load the ad.

      OnInitFailed – the configuration was not retrieved successfully and ads cannot be loaded. It is recommended to try and initialize the ironSource SDK later (when internet connection is available, or when the failure reason is resolved).

      For ProGuard Users Only

      If you are using ProGuard with the ironSource SDK, you must add the following code to your ProGuard file (Android Studio: or Eclipse: proguard-project.txt):

      -keepclassmembers class * implements android.os.Parcelable {
          public static final android.os.Parcelable$Creator *;
      #noinspection ShrinkerUnresolvedReference
      -keep class** {public *;}
      -keep class** { *; }
      -keep class** { *; }
      -keep class com.ironsource.adapters.** { *; }
      -dontwarn com.ironsource.**
      -dontwarn com.ironsource.adapters.**
      -keepclassmembers class com.ironsource.** { public *; }
      -keep public class com.ironsource.**
      -keep class com.ironsource.adapters.** { *;
      -dontwarn com.iab.omid.**
      -keep class com.iab.omid.** {*;}
      -keepattributes JavascriptInterface
      -keepclassmembers class * { @android.webkit.JavascriptInterface <methods>; }
      #For AmazonAps integration
      -keep class {
          static *;
      -keep public interface** {*; }
      #For AppLovin integration
      -keepclassmembers class com.applovin.sdk.AppLovinSdk {
          static *;
      -keep public interface com.applovin.sdk** {*; }
      -keep public interface com.applovin.adview** {*; }
      -keep public interface com.applovin.mediation** {*; }
      -keep public interface com.applovin.communicator** {*; }
      #For Bytedance integration
      -keep public interface com.bytedance.sdk.openadsdk** {*; }
      #For Facebook integration
      -keepclassmembers class {
          static *;
      -keepclassmembers class {
          static *;
      -keepclassmembers class {
          static *;
      -keep public interface** {*; }
      #For Fairbid
      -keep public interface** {*; }
      -keep public interface** {*; }
      -keep class com.fyber.offerwall.*
      #For Fivead
      -keep public interface** {*; }
      #For Fyber(Inneractive) integration
      -keep public interface com.fyber.inneractive.sdk.external** {*; }
      -keep public interface com.fyber.inneractive.sdk.activities** {*; }
      -keep public interface com.fyber.inneractive.sdk.ui** {*; }
      #For HyprMX integration
      -keepclassmembers class {
          static *;
      -keepclassmembers class {
          static *;
      -keep public interface** {*; }
      -keep public interface** {*; }
      # For Inmobi integration
      -keep class com.inmobi.*
      -keep public interface** {*; }
      -keep public interface** {*; }
      -keep public interface** {*; }
      # For ironSource integration
      -keep public interface com.ironsource.mediationsdk.sdk** {*; }
      -keep public interface com.ironsource.mediationsdk.impressionData.ImpressionDataListener {*; }
      #For Maio integration
      -keep public interface {*; }
      # For Mintergral integration
      -keep public interface com.mbridge.msdk.out** {*; }
      -keep public interface com.mbridge.msdk.videocommon.listener** {*; }
      -keep public interface com.mbridge.msdk.interstitialvideo.out** {*; }
      -keep public interface com.mintegral.msdk.out** {*; }
      -keep public interface com.mintegral.msdk.videocommon.listener** {*; }
      -keep public interface com.mintegral.msdk.interstitialvideo.out** {*; }
      #For MyTarget integration
      -keep class** {*;}
      #For Ogury integration
      -keep public interface io.presage.interstitial** {*; }
      -keep public interface io.presage.interstitial.PresageInterstitialCallback {*; }
      #For Pubnative integration
      -keep public interface net.pubnative.lite.sdk.interstitial.HyBidInterstitialAd** {*; }
      -keep public interface net.pubnative.lite.sdk.rewarded.HyBidRewardedAd** {*; }
      -keep public interface net.pubnative.lite.sdk.views.HyBidAdView** {*; }
      #For Smaato integration
      -keep public interface com.smaato.sdk.interstitial** {*; }
      -keep public interface** {*; }
      -keep public interface com.smaato.sdk.banner.widget** {*; }
      -keep public interface com.smaato.sdk.core.util** {*; }
      # For Tapjoy integration
      -keep public interface com.tapjoy.** {*; }
      # For Tencent integration
      -keep public interface** {*; }
      -keep public interface** {*; }
      -keep public interface** {*; }
      -keep public interface** {*; }
      -keep public interface** {*; }
      -keep public interface com.qq.e.comm.adevent** {*; }
      #For Verizon integration
      -keepclassmembers class {
          static *;
      -keep public interface** {*; }
      -keep public interface** {*; }
      -keep public interface** {*; }
      -keep public interface** {*; }
      #For Vungle integration
      -keep public interface com.vungle.warren.PlayAdCallback {*; }
      -keep public interface com.vungle.warren.ui.contract** {*; }
      -keep public interface com.vungle.warren.ui.view** {*; }
      #For AndroidX
      -keep class androidx.localbroadcastmanager.content.LocalBroadcastManager { *;}
      -keep class androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView { *;}
      -keep class androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView$OnScrollListener { *;}
      #For Android
      -keep class * extends

      Step 6. Verify Your Integration

      The ironSource SDK provides an easy way to verify that your integration was completed successfully with the LevelPlay integration test suite. Test your app’s integration, verify platform setup, and review ads related to your configured networks. 

      To enable the test suite in your app, call the setMetaData API before setting the init:

      IronSource.setMetaData("is_test_suite", "enable");

      After mediation init is completed successfully, launch the test suite by calling the following method (Application Context is required):


      For more details and an implementation example of the LevelPlay integration test suite navigate to this article.

      Done! You just integrated the ironSource SDK in your app. 
      You are now ready to start working with Ad Units and Mediation Tools.

      What’s Next?

      1. Follow our integration guides to implement ad formats
      2. Interested in Mediation? Integrate our Rewarded Video, Interstitial or Banner Ads in your app and follow our Mediation articles.
      3. Verify your integration with our Integration Test Suite.
        You can read this article in: