Tencent Change Log

Adapter SDK Release Date Notes
4.3.6 4.14.71 2024/04/30 • Supporting iOS SDK version 4.14.71
4.3.5 4.14.30 2023/05/24 • Supporting iOS SDK version 4.14.30
4.3.4 4.14.12 2023/03/16 • Supporting iOS SDK version 4.14.12
• Important! This adapter is compatible with ironSource SDK 7.3.0 and above
4.3.3 4.13.63 2022/04/24 • Supporting iOS SDK version 4.13.63
4.3.2 4.13.10 2021/09/09 • Supporting iOS SDK version 4.13.10
4.3.1 4.12.61 2021/09/01 • Important! This adapter is compatible with ironSource SDK 7.1.10 and above
4.3.0 4.12.61 2020/06/07 • Supporting SDK version 4.12.61
•Xcode 12 and above are recommended
•Deployment target: iOS 9.0 and above
• Compatible with ironSource SDK Version 7.16.1+