iOS Rewarded Video Integration
Integrate Rewarded Video | Checklist
✔ Check Ad Unit Availability
Monitor ad unit availability with the Delegate; you will receive the ad unit’s availability status through the rewardedVideoHasChangedAvailability
✔ Serve the Ad Unit
Add the [IronSource showRewardedVideoWithViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController placement:(nullable NSString *)placementName];
method in the specific location in your code you’d like to serve the video in your app. Leave the brackets empty if using the default placement.
✔ Reward The User
The delegate will automatically inform you of the reward name and amount. You will need to add these values to the user’s balance manually.
✔ Verify Your Integration
If you plan to serve Rewarded Video ads through Unity LevelPlay Mediation, verify your integrated ad networks with the ironSource Integration Helper.
Next, check out our Ad Unit Integration Checklists: