BidMachine Integration Guide

This guide will instruct you step-by-step on how to set BidMachine live as an Ad Network on Unity LevelPlay.

Before you start Make sure you have correctly integrated ironSource’s Rewarded Video, Interstitial or Banner into your application.

BidMachine supports devices using iOS 12+.

Step 1. Create a BidMachine account

Create an account with BidMachine. You can do so here.

Step 2. Create a Source ID in BidMachine

In order to get your Source ID please contact to BidMachine.

Step 3. Activate BidMachine on the ironSource SDK Networks Module

Inside the ironSource platform, access the SDK Networks setup to configure BidMachine parameters.

  1. Once you have the credentials mention above, log in to your ironSource account and go to Monetize ➣ Setup SDK Networks
  2. Select BidMachine from the table of Available Networks and click on the Activate button. Insert all credentials .Then click Save.
  3. Select BidMachine from the list of ad networks and click Setup.
  4. Activate the relevant ad units.

Step 4. Add the BidMachine Adapter to Your Build

 ironSource SDK supports both Cocoapods and Manual download mechanisms.

Download the BidMachine Adapter with Cocoapods

To integrate the BidMachine SDK with Cocoapods, enter the following line in your podfile and you’re good to go!

pod 'IronSourceBidMachineAdapter',''

Step 5. BidMachine Additional Settings

User-level COPPA

Unity LevelPlay let’s publishers communicate BidMachine User-level COPPA settings directly to the BidMachine network. This feature is enabled using ironSource SDK 7.4.0+, BidMachine iOS Adapter 4.3.0+.

Use the following syntax, to set BidMachine COPPA with the parameter True:

[IronSource setMetaDataWithKey:@"BidMachine_COPPA" value:@"Yes"];

Use the following syntax, to set BidMachine COPPA with the parameter False:

[IronSource setMetaDataWithKey:@"BidMachine_COPPA" value:@"No"];

You are now all set to deliver BidMachine within your application!