Chartboost Change Log

Adapter SDK Release Date Notes
4.3.19 9.7.0 2024/07/03 COPPA related bug fix
4.3.18 9.7.0 2024/04/16 • Supporting SDK version 9.7.0
4.3.17 9.6.0 2024/01/07 • Supporting SDK version 9.6.0
4.3.16 9.5.1 2023/10/31 • Supporting SDK version 9.5.1
4.3.15 9.3.0 2023/06/26 • Supporting SDK version 9.3.0
4.3.14 9.2.0 2023/06/08 •  Add COPPA Support
4.3.13 9.2.0 2023/03/16 • Supporting SDK version 9.2.0
• Important! This adapter is compatible with ironSource SDK 7.3.0 and above
4.3.12 9.1.0 2022/10/12 • Supporting SDK version 9.1.0
4.3.11 9.0.0 2022/08/16 • Supporting SDK version 9.0.0
4.3.10 8.5.0 2022/01/31 • Important! This adapter is required when using ironSource SDK 7.2.0 and above
4.3.9 8.5.0 2021/11/08 • Supporting SDK version 8.5.0
4.3.8 8.4.2 2021/09/01 • Important! This adapter is compatible with ironSource SDK 7.1.10 and above
4.3.7 8.4.2 2021/06/21 • Supporting SDK version 8.4.2
• Support SKAN 2.2
4.3.6 8.4.1 2021/03/10 • Supporting SDK version 8.4.1
• Performance improvements
• Memory leaks protections
4.3.5 8.4.0 2020/12/20 • Supporting SDK version 8.4.0
4.3.4 8.3.1 2020/09/17 • Supporting SDK version 8.3.1
Support iOS 14 and SDKAdNetowrk
4.3.3 8.2.1 2020/08/25 • Supporting SDK version 8.2.1
4.3.2 8.2.0 2020/07/23 • Supporting SDK version 8.2.0
• Add CCPA Support
4.3.1 8.1.0 2020/06/22 • Adapter is released without Chartboost SDK included. The SDK framework file should be added in addition to the adapter, for manual integrations.
Important! This adapter is compatible with ironSource SDK 6.17.0  and above
4.3.0 8.1.0 2020/03/25 • Supporting SDK version 8.1.0
• Add Banner support 
Important! This adapter is compatible with ironSource SDK and above
4.1.7 8.0.4 2019/12/03 • Supporting SDK version 8.0.4 (iOS 13 ready)
• Performance 
4.1.6 7.3.0 2019/06/04 • Rewarded Video ads fetching improvement
4.1.5 7.3.0 2018/12/10 • Supporting SDK version 7.3.0
• Supporting Rewarded Video & Interstitial Multiple Instance
4.1.3 7.2.0 2018/09/17 • Better handling for ‘Ad Close’ callback.
4.1.2 7.2.0 2018/05/16 • Supporting SDK version 7.2.0
• Consent API integration
4.1.1 7.1.2 2018/04/26 • Supporting SDK version 7.1.2
• Added ‘didDismissRewardedVideo’ delegate