Migrate to LevelPlay Init API

This guide explains how to transition to the LevelPlay initialization APIs to allow the use of multiple ad unit APIs.

Before you start
  • The min supported SDK is 8.4.0. You can download the latest SDK here.

Initialize the SDK

    To initialize the ironSource SDK, follow these steps:

    1. Define the list of ad formats that require support from legacy ironSource API. This should include REWARDED. 
    2. Call the LevelPlay init API using the appKey, ad formats, and user ID if relevant.
    3. Define the completion handler success and failure.
        // Create a request builder with app key and ad formats. Add User ID if available.
        LPMInitRequestBuilder *requestBuilder = [[LPMInitRequestBuilder alloc] initWithAppKey:@"appKey"];
        [requestBuilder withLegacyAdFormats:@[IS_REWARDED_VIDEO]];
        [requestBuilder withUserId:@"UserId"];
        // Build the initial request
        LPMInitRequest *initRequest = [requestBuilder build];
        // Initialize LevelPlay with the prepared request
        [LevelPlay initWithRequest:initRequest completion:^(LPMConfiguration *_Nullable config, NSError *_Nullable error){
            if(error) {
                // There was an error on initialization. Take necessary actions or retry.
            } else {
               // Initialization was successful. You can now create ad objects and load ads.
        // Create a request builder with app key and ad formats. Add User ID if available.
        let requestBuilder = LPMInitRequestBuilder(appKey: "appKey")
        // Build the initial request
        let initRequest = requestBuilder.build()
        // Initialize LevelPlay with the prepared request 
        { config, error in
            if let error = error {
                // There was an error on initialization. Take necessary actions or retry.
            } else {
                // Initialization was successful. You can now create ad objects and load ads.

    Initialization result

    Success – triggered when the initialization is completed successfully. After you receive this indication, you can create and load the ad.

    Error – the configuration was not retrieved successfully and ads cannot be loaded. It is recommended to try and initialize the ironSource SDK later (when internet connection is available, or when the failure reason is resolved)

    Legacy Ad Unit (new)
    Class IronSource LevelPlay
    API initWithAppKey initWithRequest
    setUserID Should be set as part of LPMInitRequestBuilder
    Callbacks onInitializationComplete completion

    LevelPlay mediation demo app

    The Integration Demo application demonstrates how to integrate the Ad Unit APIs in your app.

    Download Android Demo Application


    You are now ready to implement the new ad units APIs.