Performance Reports

Unity LevelPlay Performance Reports deliver valuable insights and analytics so you can better understand your monetization performance. With in-depth filters and helpful breakdowns, your Performance Reports provide the necessary granular data you need to make informed decisions to achieve monetization success.

Navigate to Monetization Reports

All apps with at least one active ad unit will appear in your Performance Reports dashboard. To view reports that exclusively show the performance of the ironSource Network, you can find them under ironSource Network

To view your Performance Reports, go to the LevelPlay left side  nav bar, then  MediationReportsPerformance:

Configure Your Reports


Date Range, Time interval, and additional filters can be found at the top of the page. Use these to deep dive into your app’s performance and better understand your ad activity. These filters make it easier to find specific results and separate the rest of the data to simplify the report.

These are the filters you can apply to your report:

  • Date Range
  • Time Interval
  • Platform 
  • Ad format
  • Ad network
  • App
  • Country


Breakdowns can be found on the right side of the graph. Use these to create different views of your data based on the selections you’ve chosen in the filters section. Customize the view even further by selecting how the list is sorted, as well as the checkboxes which control what you see in the graph.

The available breakdowns are:

  • Ad Network 
  • Instances
  • Ad units
  • App
  • App Version
  • ATT status*
  • IDFA
  • GAID
  • Connection Type
  • Country
  • OS version
  • Placement
  • Platform
  • SDK Version
  • Segment
  • AB test group
  • Banner size

* ATT status breakdowns enable you to analyze the impact of ATT permissions on your performance. This is relevant only for iOS apps and is available with ironSource SDK 7.1.0+

ATT status is broken down into 4 values:

0 – notDetermined: The value returned if a user has not yet received a request to authorize access to app-related data that can be used for tracking the user or the device.

1 – restricted: The value returned if authorization to access app-related data that can be used for tracking the user or the device is restricted.

2 – denied: The value returned if the user denies authorization to access app-related data that can be used for tracking the user or the device.

3 – authorized: The value returned if the user authorizes access to app-related data that can be used for tracking the user or the device.

Learn how


You can view your reports in two different formats: Graph and Table. Use the icons in the left-hand corner of the performance page to switch between the two formats.

  • Graph: Shows patterns of your data based on the defined breakdowns and filters. You can see the fluctuation of your performance in a visual format, which makes it easier to understand trends and provides a better view of the data over time as a whole. 
  • Table: View a summary of the metrics portrayed in your report in table format, below the graph. The numbers in the table are a total of each metric, i.e. the total revenue, eCPM, impressions, Ad Availability Checks from a given ad source. The table reflects the identical breakdowns and filters you defined for the graph. 

Use the Metrics dropdown at the top of the page to add additional metrics (up to 8 at a time). The graph or table will change according to the selected metric; for example, when selecting ‘eCPM‘, the graph will portray the data for this specific metric.

Supported performance metrics 

Metric Type Definition
Revenue Performance The total amount of revenue generated
Impressions Performance Total number of times the ad is shown
eCPM Performance Effective cost per thousand Impressions
Clicks Performance The number of times users initiated an action in the Interstitial or Offerwall ad unit
CTR Performance The total number of clicks divided by the number of impressions
Sessions Performance The sum of single periods of user interaction with your app (each SDK init generates a new session)
Engaged sessions Performance The sum of sessions in which a user interacts with an ad
Impessions/sessions Performance Impressions per Session, The average amount of ads served throughout a single session
Impessions/engaged sessions Performance Impressions per Engaged Session, The average amount of ad impressions during an engaged session
DAU User Activity Daily Active Users, the average of Daily unique users who opened your app in the defined date rage
ARPDAU User Activity Average Revenue per Daily Active User, The total revenue divided by the total number of active users
Sessions / DAU User Activity Sessions per Daily Active User, The average number of sessions generated by an active user on a Daily basis
Impressions / DAU User Activity Impression per Active User, The total of impressions divided by the total number of active users
DEU User Activity Daily Engaged Users, The average of Daily active users who engaged with an ad in your app. Data is drawn from impression events
ARPDEU User Activity Average Revenue per Daily Engaged User, The total revenue divided by the total number of engaged users
Impressions / DEU User Activity Impression per Engaged User, The total of impressions divided by the total number of engaged users
Engagement rate User Activity The total number of engaged users divided by the total number of active users
App fills Fill The number of request that generated a positive response
App fill rate Fill The rate at which an ad is served following a request to the mediation layer
Impressions/app fill Fill Number of times an ad request has been conveyed to the Mediation layer
App requests Fill Number of times an ad request has been conveyed to the Mediation layer
Video completion Fill The amount of Video Completions, OW – The total amount of offers completed
Completion rate Fill The rate at which an impression is followed by completion
Avg revenue/completion Fill Average Revenue per Completion, The total revenue divided by the number of completions
Ad source availability checks Ad source availability The amount of times an ad source is asked whether it is ready to show an ad
Ad source availability response Ad source availability The number of times an ad source had an ad available to show at the time of the request
Ad source availability rate Ad source availability The rate at which an ad source had an ad available when an ad was requested

 Export Your Data

If you’d like to export a report to save it, click on Export in the top right corner of the page. A file will automatically be downloaded according to the filters and breakdowns you previously selected.

Save reports  

You can save your reports with all the existing filters and breakdowns by clicking Save in the top right corner of the page. Then give your report a name, choose if you want to set the report as default, and click Save.

To retrieve a saved report, click on the Saved reports in the top right corner of the page, and from the dropdown menu select or search for your saved report. Once you click on the report name, you’ll immediately see your report according to the breakdowns and filters you saved.

On a saved report, click the action menu (next to the Save button) to Rename, Save as, Set as default or delete the report. 

 That’s it!