Reporting API

Use this API to receive all the reporting data from the monetization ad formats you serve with LevelPlay and/or ironSource Ads. This includes multiple metrics such as revenue, impressions,active users, and more across several breakdowns and optional filters.

Before you start make sure you go over our API introduction article.

Note: Our Reporting API is limited to 8,000 requests every 1 hour.

Authentication type

Bearer API authentication


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Required Parameters

Name Type Description Default
startDate String YYYY-MM-DD (UTC Timezone)
endDate String YYYY-MM-DD (UTC Timezone)

Optional Parameters

With the ironSource Ads Reporting API, reports can be filtered by any one of the optional parameters. This enables you to search for a direct match to any of the filters.

Name Type Description Default
appKey String (comma separated) Application Key (as seen on the LevelPlay and ironSource Ads platform) All app keys
country String (comma separated) 2 letter country code, as per ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2. All countries
adFormat String (comma separated) Options are: ‘rewarded’ / ‘offerwall’ / ‘interstitial’ / ‘banner’ All ad formats
adNetwork String (comma separated) Mediated ad networks, Including ironSource Ads – as seen here  All ad Sources
isLevelPlayMediation String (boolean) Relevant only for ironSource Ads network.  Options are: true / false.
Supported as of March 1st, 2024
isBidder String (boolean) Options are: true / false All
platform String (comma separated) Options are: ‘android’ / ‘ios’ All
abTest String Options are: ‘A’ / ‘B’ / ‘NULL’
Single value expected(one of the above)
mediationGroup String (comma separated) Mediation Group (as seen on the LevelPlay platform) All Groups
mediationAdUnitId String (comma separated) ID of the ad unit which the revenue was generated from All Mediation Ad Units
metrics String (comma separated) For available metrics – See below All Metrics
breakdowns String (comma separated) For supported  breakdowns (see below) date
page number Which page number to display 1
resultsPerPage number Number of results to display for each page 5000

Supported Breakdowns

    1. date (day) / week / month. 
    2. app
    3. platform
    4. adNetwork
    5. isBidder
    6. adFormat
    7. instance
    8. country
    9. mediationGroup
    10. mediationAdUnit
    11. segment
    12. placement
    13. osVersion
    14. sdkVersion
    15. appVersion
    16. att
    17. idfa
    18. gaid
    19. abTest
    20. isLevelPlayMediation
    21. bannerSize

Note: If the time period isn’t specified,  the returned data won’t be broken down by a specific time period, but rather all the historical data from the requested metrics.

Check out all of our supported breakdowns by metric 

Supported Metrics

    1. revenue
    2. impressions
    3. eCPM
    4. clicks
    5. clickThroughRate
    6. sessions
    7. engagedSessions
    8. impressionPerEngagedSessions
    9. impressionsPerSession
    10. activeUsers
    11. revenuePerActiveUser
    12. sessionsPerActiveUser
    13. impressionsPerActiveUser
    14. engagedUsers
    15. revenuePerEngagedUser
    16. impressionsPerEngagedUser
    17. engagedUsersRate
    18. appFills
    19. appFillRate
    20. useRate
    21. appRequests
    22. completions
    23. completionRateImpBased
    24. revenuePerCompletion
    25. adSourceChecks
    26. adSourceResponses
    27. adSourceAvailabilityRate

Breakdown limitations

Any combination of the below breakdowns will cause a validation error:

  • Instance
  • Segment
  • placement
  • bannerSize
  • Idfa
  • Gaid
  • Att
  • appVersion
  • SdkVersion
  • osVersion

Request Example URL,impressions,activeUsers&breakdowns=date,adFormat&adFormat=rewarded
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JSON Example Response

  "data": [
      "date": "2024-12-01",
      "adFormat": "Rewarded",
      "revenue": 96891.75,
      "impressions": 12186156,
      "activeUsers": 13310891
      "date": "2024-12-01",
      "adFormat": "Rewarded",
      "revenue": 101385.59,
      "impressions": 12478225,
      "activeUsers": 13586039
      "date": "2024-12-02",
      "adFormat": "Rewarded",
      "revenue": 117979.71,
      "impressions": 13440354,
      "activeUsers": 14540198
  "page": 1,
  "pageSize": 3,
  "totalResults": 10
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API Versions