Instance API v4

Use the Instance API to manage instances on the LevelPlay dashboard. This API version supports the following:

  • Support for CRUD
  • Changing ad networks’ application-level configurations
  • Adding or removing instances from waterfall groups (Supporting active AB test applications)

Requests are limited to 1 application per call.

Rate limits

The API returns a 429 HTTP status code if a request exceeds 4000 requests in a time period of 30 minutes.

Authentication Type

Bearer API authentication



Get a list of all the application instances, bidding and non bidding. 



Request Parameters

Name Type Description Example
appKey String application key (as seen on the platform) 142401ac1

Request Example URL

Response Parameters

Name Description Example
instanceId Unique instance ID 1072562
instanceName The instance name Rewarded50
adUnit The ad unit type per instance (rewardedVideo, interstitial, or banner) banner
networkName The ad network the instance belongs to adColony
appConfig1 / appConfig2 For ad source app level configs naming convention refer to this section
instanceConfig1 / instanceConfig2 For ad source naming conventions refer to this article. This should be sent for each config field
isBidder the instance a bidder instance (true or false) true
groups An array of group ids, as sent in the LevelPlay Groups API [2515, 6226]
isLive Instance status can be active or inactive  ‘false’
rate  Instance level rate (if defined) 15

Response Example 

        "instanceId": 1072562,
        "instanceName": "Default",
        "adUnit": "rewardedVideo",
        "networkName": "adColony",
        "appConfig1": "qtr",
        "instanceConfig1": "trb",
        "isBidder": true,
        "groups": [
        "isLive": true,
	 "rate": 10
        "instanceId": 1014428,
        "instanceName": "Default",
        "adUnit": "interstitial",
        "networkName": "unity",
        "appConfig1": "qertb",
        "instanceConfig1": "qtrb",
        "isBidder": false,
        "groups": [
        "isLive": true,
	 "rate": 25
        "instanceId": 1845809,
        "instanceName": "Default",
        "adUnit": "rewardedVideo",
        "networkName": "adManager",
        "appConfig1": "bqw",
        "instanceConfig1": "qqr",
        "isBidder": false,
        "groups": [
        "isLive": true,
        "rate": 4


Use this API to create instances for mediated ad sources. This API allows you to create multiple instances with a single API call. Keep in mind that when creating instances via the API, you are limited to the number of instances the platform allows.

Use the “groups” parameter to determine each waterfall group to include/exclude instance. The “groups” ID value is reachable using the Mediation API.


  1. Instances created without a ‘status’ parameter set will be automatically set as ‘active’
  2. Instances created for apps that are not live at the store will be automatically set as ‘inactive’
  3. To create instances for mediated ad networks, refer to this article for naming convention.
  4. Application configuration must have the same value for instances with the same ad network
  5. For custom network instance creation, ‘networkKey’ parameter is required, this can be found on the network documentation



Request Parameters

Name Type Description Example
appKey String application key (as seen on the platform) 142401ac1

Request Example URL

Supported Parameters

Name Type Description Mandatory Parameter Example
instanceName String the newly created instance’s name  ✓ – For non-bidding instances highestBidderinstance
networkName String for ad source naming convention refer to this section adColony
adUnit String “rewardedVideo”, “interstitial”, “banner” rewardedVideo / interstitial / banner
isBidder Boolean Indicates if the instance is a bidder instance. True / False
appConfig1 String ad source application level configs naming convention, refer to this section x ‘123’ / ‘abc’
appConfig2 String ad source application level configs naming convention, refer to this section x ‘123’ / ‘abc’
instanceConfig1 String For ad source instance level configs naming convention, refer to this section x ‘123’ / ‘abc’
instanceConfig2 String For ad source instance level configs naming convention, refer to this section x ‘123’ / ‘abc’
groups Number Array If not sent, regard as ‘all groups’. Notice: you should send groupIds for both ‘A’ & ‘B’ groups if you’re in the midst of an A/B test. x [12525]
isLive Boolean Making the instance active or inactive. If not sent regard as active x True / False
rate Number Between 1-2000 x 5

Request Example 

      "instanceName": "newInstance",      
      "networkName": "adColony",
      "adUnit": "rewardedVideo",
      "isBidder": true,
      "appConfig1": "414n",
      "instanceConfig1": "aaa1",
      "instanceConfig2": "aaa1",
      "groups": [12345],
      "isLive": true,
      "rate": 2



Use this API to update instances. Multiple instances can be updated with a single API call.


To remove instance level rate, simply add the rate parameter with ‘null’  value. 



Request Parameters

Name Type Description Example
appKey String application key (as seen on the platform) 142401ac1

Request Example URL

Supported Parameters

Name Type Description Mandatory Parameter Example
instanceId Number Instance Id as sent in the GET request
instanceName String the newly created instance’s name  x highestBidderinstance
appConfig1 String x ‘123’ / ‘abc’
appConfig2 String x ‘123’ / ‘abc’
instanceConfig1 String for ad source instance level configs naming convention refer to this section x ‘123’ / ‘abc’
instanceConfig2 String for ad source instance level configs naming convention refer to this section x ‘123’ / ‘abc’
groups Number Array If not sent, regarded as ‘all groups’ x [12525]
isLive Boolean Active or inactive. If not sent regard as active x true
rate Number Between 1-2000 x 100

Request Example

      "instanceId": 122,
      "instanceName": "newInstance",
      "appConfig1": "414n",
      "instanceConfig1": "aaa1",
      "instanceConfig2": "aaa1",
      "groups": [1],
      "isLive": true,
      "rate": 2



Use this API to delete an instance.


  1. Default instances cannot be deleted.
  2. Deleted instances cannot be restored.



Request Parameters

Name Type Description Example
appKey String application key (as seen on the platform) 142401ac1

Request Example URL

Supported Parameters

Name Type Description
instanceId Number ID generated by ironSource platform on instance creation

Request body example

      "instanceId": 58
      "instanceId": 59


A successful response will be sent with HTTP code 200.


If one of the instances sent in the request is failing, an error array will be sent with HTTP code 400 and will cause the whole request to be rejected.

Each error will be followed with an error message.

If one of the instances sent in the request is failing, an error array will be sent with HTTP code 400 and will cause the whole request to be void. Each error has a code which is explained in the table below.


API v3 (previous version)

Note: Instance API v3 does not support apps during a live A/B test

Get Instances

Use this API to retrieve a list of all of your application’s instances. The response will include all information from the Applications List API, as well as the following: instance name, instance ID, status, and pricing if relevant (pricing is only available for ironSource network instances)

Authentication Type

Bearer API authentication


Required Parameters

Name Type Description
appKey String application Key (as seen on our platform)

Request Example URL

Response Parameters

Name Description
appKey application key (as seen on our platform)
appName the application name
appStatus the application status 
platform  platform can be iOS or android  
bundleId the native app store bundle id
creationDate the date the app was added to ironSource platform
id unique instance ID generated by ironSource platform on instance creation
provider instance level config* for ad source instance level configs naming convention refer to this article
name the instance name
status instance status can be active or inactive 
rate  instance level rate (if defined)
pricing pricing as set on the platform for ironSource network
abVersion A/B test version (optional values are: “A”, “B”, “N/A”)

JSON Example Response

  "appKey": "aa2209b1d",
  "appName": "My Test App",
  "appStatus": "active",
  "platform": "Android",
  "bundleId": "",
  "creationDate": "N/A",
  "adUnits": {
    "rewardedVideo": {
      "activeNetworks": [
      "activeBidderNetworks": [
      "networkInstances": {
        "ironSource": [
            "id": 0,
            "name": "Default",
            "status": "active",
            "pricing": [
                "eCPM": "10.5",
                "Countries": [
            "abVersion": "N/A"
        "AdColony": [
            "id": 0,
            "zoneId": "zone_ID_US_High",
            "name": "US_high",
            "status": "active",
            "rate": 87,
            "abVersion": "N/A"
            "id": 2851429,
            "zoneId": "zone_ID_US_Low",
            "name": "US_Low",
            "status": "active",
            "rate": 12,
            "abVersion": "N/A"
      "networkBidderInstances": []
    "offerWall": {
      "activeNetworks": [
    "interstitial": {
      "activeNetworks": [],
      "activeBidderNetworks": [],
      "networkInstances": {
        "ironSource": [
            "id": 0,
            "name": "Default",
            "status": "inactive",
            "pricing": [
                "eCPM": "8.5",
                "Countries": [
            "abVersion": "N/A"
      "networkBidderInstances": []
    "banner": {
      "activeNetworks": [],
      "networkInstances": {
        "ironSource": [
            "id": 0,
            "name": "Default",
            "status": "inactive",
            "abVersion": "N/A"

Create Instances

Use this API to create instances for both ironSource network and mediated ad sources. This API allows you to create multiple instances with a single API call.


  1. Instances created without a ‘status’ parameter set will be automatically set as ‘active’
  2. Instances created for apps that are not live at the store will be automatically set as ‘inactive’
  3. For Mediation users – each newly created instance will be included in all of the app’s mediation groups.
  4. Each app is limited up to 10 instances per ad unit. In order to extend this limitation Contact Us or reach out to your Account Manager.
  5. To create instances for mediated ad sources, please refer to this article for naming convention.
  6. To create bidder networks Contact Us or reach out to your Account Manager.

CPM pricing:

General –

  1. CPM Pricing allows you the control and flexibility to define expected CPM rates from ironSource’s network.  Read more here.
  2. CPM pricing is available for specific accounts only, to activate CPM pricing Contact Us or reach out to your Account Manager.
  3. For best practices on using instances with pricing go to our Best Practices article.

Notes –

  1. In order to set global pricing for an instance, populate the instance’s country field with asterisk character ‘*’.
  2. Instances created without pricing and countries without defined pricing will be set to use optimized pricing.
  3. Countries are defined based on 2 letter country code, as per ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2.

Authentication Type

Bearer API authentication



Required Parameters

Name Type Description
appKey String application Key (as seen on our platform)
provider String array for ad source naming convention refer to this article
adUnit String array “rewardedVideo”, “interstitial”, “banner”
instanceName String the newly created instance’s name 
provider instance level config* String for ad source instance level configs naming convention refer to this article

Note:  *Note: provider instance level config is only mandatory on the creation of mediation a source instances. This parameter naming varies between mediation ad sources. For naming convention go to this article.

Optional Parameters

Name Type Description
status String instance status can be ‘active’ or ‘inactive’
pricing String array determine the eCPM to be delivered by ironSource network
rate Double instance level rate (if defined)
provider app level configs* String for ad source app level configs naming convention refer to this article

Note:  *Note: ad source app level configs varies between mediation ad sources. For naming convention go to this article

Request Example URL

Request Example Body

  "appKey": "d11a21a5",
  "configurations": {
    "ironSource": {
      "interstitial": [
          "instanceName": "low_interstitial",
          "status": "active",
          "pricing": [
              "country": [
              "eCPM": 3
          "pricingType": "eCPM"
          "instanceName": "high_interstitial",
          "status": "active",
          "pricing": [
              "country": [
              "eCPM": 20
    "adColony": {
      "rewardedVideo": [
          "instanceName": "adcolony_rv",
          "status": "active",
          "zoneId": 102030,
          "rate": 10

JSON Example Response

  "rewardedVideo": {
    "AdColony": [
        "id": 6701121,
        "zoneId": "102030",
        "name": "adcolony_rv",
        "status": "active",
        "rate": 10,
        "abVersion": "N/A"
  "interstitial": {
    "ironSource": [
        "id": 0,
        "name": "Default",
        "status": "active",
        "abVersion": "N/A"
        "id": 6701117,
        "name": "low_interstitial",
        "status": "active",
        "abVersion": "N/A",
        "pricing": [
            "eCPM": 3,
            "Countries": [
        "id": 6701119,
        "name": "high_interstitial",
        "status": "active",
        "abVersion": "N/A",
        "pricing": [
            "eCPM": 20,
            "Countries": [
    "ironSourceBidding": [
        "id": 2948695,
        "name": "",
        "status": "inactive",
        "abVersion": "N/A"

Update Instances


Use this API to update instance name, status and pricing for ironSource network and mediation ad sources (pricing is only available for ironSource network). Multiple instances can be updated with a single API call.


  1. Max number of update calls is limited to 6 per day.
  2. In order to activate ironSource’s non default instances you must first activate ironSource’s default instance (instance ID=0).
  3. Updating instance pricing will replace all pricing values on that same instance only.
  4. To update mediation ad source instances please refer to this article for naming convention.
  5. To update bidder networks Contact Us or reach out to your Account Manager.
  6. To remove instance level rate simply add the rate parameter with an empty string value (eg “”)

Authentication Type

Bearer API authentication



Required Parameters

Name Type Description
appKey String  Application Key (as seen on our platform)
provider String array For ad source naming convention refer to this article
adUnit String array “rewardedVideo”, “interstitial”, “banner”
instanceId String ID generated by ironSource platform on instance creation

Optional Parameters

Name Type Description
name String the desired instance’s name
pricing String determine the eCPM to be delivered by ironSource network
status String instance status can be ‘active’ or ‘inactive’
rate Double instance level rate (if defined)
provider instance level config* String for ad source instance level configs naming convention refer to this article
provider app level config* String for ad source app level configs naming convention refer to this article

Note:  *Note: provider app and instance level configs naming varies between mediation ad sources. For naming convention go to this article.

Request Example URL

Request Body Example

  "appKey": "6bc83099",
  "configurations": {
    "ironSourceBidding": {
      "rewardedVideo": [
          "instanceId": 327,
          "status": "inactive"

JSON Response Example

  "rewardedVideo": {
    "ironSource": [
        "id": 0,
        "name": "Default",
        "status": "inactive",
        "abVersion": "N/A"
    "AdColony": [
        "id": 0,
        "name": "default",
        "status": "active",
        "abVersion": "N/A"
        "id": 326,
        "name": "lw",
        "status": "inactive",
        "abVersion": "N/A"
    "ironSourceBidding": [
        "id": 327,
        "name": "-",
        "status": "inactive",
        "abVersion": "N/A"
  "interstitial": {
    "ironSource": [
        "id": 0,
        "name": "Default",
        "status": "active",
        "abVersion": "N/A"
  "banner": {
    "ironSource": [
        "id": 0,
        "name": "Default",
        "status": "inactive",
        "abVersion": "N/A"

Delete Instance


Use this API to delete an instance.

General notes:

  1. Can delete one instance per call.
  2. Default instance cannot be deleted.
  3. Deleted instance cannot be restored.
  4. Response includes all of the app’s instances excluding the deleted ones.

Authentication Type

Bearer API authentication



Required Parameters

Name Type Description
appKey String application Key (as seen on our platform)
instanceId String ID generated by ironSource platform on instance creation

Request Example URL

JSON Response Example

  "rewardedVideo": {
    "ironSource": [
        "id": 0,
        "name": "Default",
        "status": "active"
        "id": 45678,
        "name": "thirdRVInstance",
        "status": "inactive"
  "interstitial": {
    "ironSource": [
        "id": 0,
        "name": "Default",
        "status": "active"
        "id": 23456,
        "name": "secondISInstance",
        "status": "active",
        "pricing": [
            "eCPM": "0.01",
            "Countries": [
  "banner": {
    "ironSource": [
        "id": 0,
        "name": "Default",
        "status": "inactive"