Audience API
The Audience API allows advertisers to include or exclude specific users in their campaign, based on lists of device IDs supplied by the advertisers.
How do I define my audience set?
The ironSource Audience API supports two kinds of Audience lists: Suppression and Targeting.
Suppression Lists
Suppression Lists are associated with the campaign through a package name and platform, e.g. “com.facebook.katana” and “android”. Each Suppression List supports one respective platform, either IDFA or GAID. This type of audience set operates as a blacklist. Once a Suppression List is uploaded into our database, the audience set will automatically be opted out from every campaign that has a matching package name and platform.
Targeting Lists
“Targeting Lists” are lists of Device IDs which are defined and identified by the advertier, these lists can be included for different campaigns regardless of package name. This audience list supports both IDFA and GAID which can be update through the API. Targeting Lists aren’t automatically associated to any given campaign; an Account Manager must assist in either opting in or out of the list of devices per campaign.
See the table below for example cases on when to use the above audience lists:
Objective | Set Up | Mandatory Fields | |
Suppression List | Block users from a specific campaign | Automatically blacklisted | Package name & Platform |
Targeting List | Create retargeting campaigns or target any given audience set | Must be uploaded by AM | Advertiser ID |
Authentication ID
For our system to identify your API requests, you will need an authentication ID. Follow the below steps to generate this credential:
Generate your Authorization Header and Add it to Your PHP Code
To generate your Authorization header, you’ll need to obtain your ironSource account’s secret key:
- Log in to the ironSource dashboard
- Click on your profile in the top right corner of the dashboard and select ‘My Account’ from within the dropdown
- Then go to the Reporting API tab and you’ll find your secret key
- Next, encode your “ username:secret key” based on the base64 version and add an Authorization header in your code with your encoded username:secret key.
PHP code example to generate a username:secretkey with base64
<?php $crl = curl_init(); $base64encoded = base64_encode("[username]:[secret key]"); $header = array(); $header[] = 'Authorization: Basic '. $base64encoded; $URL='<API Method>'; curl_setopt($crl, CURLOPT_URL, $URL); curl_setopt($crl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header); $response = curl_exec($crl); curl_close($crl); ?>
API Structure
The API consists of 5 requests:
Metadata of Audience:
- Show – displays the details of all existing audiences
- Create – build a new audience
- Delete – delete an existing audience
Device Id Updates:
- AddAudience – Add device list to existing audience
- RemoveAudience – Remove device list from an existing audience
API Requests
Displays the details of all existing audiences- GET
Field | Description | Data Type |
audiences | A list of objects that contain information about an audience | Array |
id | ID of the audience list | Int |
type | suppression_static / targeting | String |
name | Name of the audience list | String |
description | Description of the audience list | String |
bundleId | Package name of the source app | String |
platform | Platform of the source app – “android” or “ios” or null | String |
lastModified | Last update date of the audience list | Date |
hasActiveCampaigns | – True when audience has an active campaign running – False in any other case |
Boolean |
Response will be code 200 for a non-empty list empty / 204 for an empty list
Example of Non-Empty List:
{ "count": 1, "audiences": [ { "id": 1, "type": "targeting", "name": "batz", "description": "batz", "bundleId": "com.adsd.sdf", "platform": "android", "lastModified": "2017-01-31T20:00:00.000Z", "hasActiveCampaigns": true } ] }
You can easily create a new audience. This creates an empty audience with metadata only.
Field | Description | Data Type | Required |
type | supression_static, targeting | String | Yes |
name | Name of the audience | String | Yes |
description | Description of the audience | String | Yes |
bundleID | Package name of the source app | String or null |
trackId | apple store id | String |
platform | Platform of the source app:“android” or “ios” or empty | String (android, ios) or null |
Request Example:
Request Body:
{ "type": "suppression_static", "name": "batz", "description": "batz", "bundleId": "com.adsd.sdf", "platform": "android" }
On success: Response code 200 is returned with created/existing ID. { id : 67567fhgf6786786 }
You can easily delete an existing audience. DELETE
Field | Description | Data Type | Required |
id | ID of the audience | Int | Yes |
Request Example:{id}
Request Body: { “id”:”67567fhgf6786786″}
On success: HTTP Response code 200 is returned with type, name, description, bundleId, platform.
Response example:
{ "type": "suppression_static", "name": "batz", "description": "batz", "bundleId": "com.adsd.sdf", "platform": "android" }
Add or Remove Audience
You can add or remove a device list to existing audience in one call.
There are three main scenarios in which you will want to use this API:
- Add devices to a defined list
- Remove devices from a defined list
- Switch a specific device ID from one list to another
Field | Description | Data Type | Required |
addAudience | The specific audience list to which you’d like to add device ids | List | Yes |
deviceIds | deviceId strings | List | Yes |
removeAudience | The specific audience list from where you’d like to remove device ids | List | Yes |
Request Body:
- When adding devices, leave the “removeAudience” field empty.
- When removing devices, leave the “addAudience” field empty.
- There should only be values in both the “addAudience” and “removeAudience” fields if you are switching a device id from one list to the other.
Find below three examples of the different scenarios:
- Add Device IDs
{ "addAudience": ["1","2"], "removeAudience": [], "deviceIds": [ "66b728c2-f9a4-4d87-82ef-ce07414nili1", "66b728c2-f9a4-4d87-82ef-ce07414nili1" ] }
On success: Response code 200
- Remove Device IDs
{ "addAudience": [], "removeAudience": ["1","2"], "deviceIds": [ "66b728c2-f9a4-4d87-82ef-ce07414nili1", "66b728c2-f9a4-4d87-82ef-ce07414nili1" ] }
On success: Response code 200
- Switch Device IDs from One List to the Other
{ "addAudience": ["1","2"], "removeAudience": ["4","5"], "deviceIds": [ "66b728c2-f9a4-4d87-82ef-ce07414nili1", "66b728c2-f9a4-4d87-82ef-ce07414nili1" ] }
On success: Response code 200