MRAID specifications and guidelines
ironSource supports the MRAID 2.0 Protocol.
Ad specifications for ironSource
- All assets + code downloaded to the device must be up to 4MB max.
- Ads should support both landscape and portrait orientations (recommended).
- The ad must include a loading screen while the ad is loading.
- No 3rd party real time blocking pixels allowed (IAS, DV, etc).
- ironSource will render the timer and the close button. Do not add your own.
- Do not access the top window object (will cause an error).
- The creative needs to autoplay (no user interaction needed).
- All URLs within the ad must be secured (Correct: HTTPS:// Wrong: HTTP://).
MRAID tag specifications for ironSource
- To redirect a user on click, use
- In order to get the size of the ad, you must use mraid.getMaxSize().
Do not get the size from anywhere else. - MRAID tag should not be full HTML document but snippets of raw HTML (or JS) code, For example:
Full HTML document: (incorrect):
HTML snippet/fragment: (correct):
- All references to external assets must be absolute URLs instead of relative URLs and HTTPS instead of HTTP, for example:
Relative URL: (incorrect)
Absolute URL, using HTTPS: (correct)
- Tag must not include single-line HTML comments, for example:
// HTML comment: (incorrect)
<!– –> HTML comment: (correct)